We finally found out what we are having...It's a BOY! Let me explain my title to the blog entry. We were having our ultra sound and the ultra sound Tech, was showing us all the baby's vital organs and parts. Then we see on the screen...IT"S A GIRL! I looked at Brian and thought, oh yeah my gut instinct was right on it this time. (We thought our other two wonderful boys were going to be girls, anyways!) Thirty seconds later we hear the Dr. say, ugh..I think the umbilical cord just moved, nope...I'm so sorry it looks like we have a BOY! My heart was all over the place at this point. I took a deep breath and exhaled and thought, ok, we can do this again for the third time. What was going through my head at this point was, my bin of frilly cute girl things I have to put away, looks like were gonna save some money were set with boy hand me downs.
Oh the things I get to continue to enjoy...Three boys wrestling, cleaning up after my boys attempt to make it in the toilet, laundry with only only boy clothes to fold. Lot's of balls, bikes and lego's. Fort making, bug catching, knee scraping, and an attempt to keep up with the non stop growing appetites.
One day I will get to enjoy the joys of pink tutu's, barbies, playing house, babydolls, hair bows, makeup, the cute baby girl clothes, dress up,and Oh I forgot the DRAMA!!!
For now I will Enjoy my BOY"S. I know their is a special place in heaven for mothers with all boys, I know we are the strong ones selected to raise these future missionaries. I love my boys, and our little brother Noah who will be joining us this MAy 2010, we can't wait to meet you!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
It's a girl.... or is it a BOY!
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 1:30 PM 7 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
It's been a While!
Sorry about the neglected Blog. It's been a very busy season. As many of you may know we are expecting a new baby this spring. I have had a stubborn camera, hence, blogging is not much fun with out any pictures. We will keep you all updated, and maybe our camera will decide to cooperate.
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 10:24 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Here's my family's stick Figure self portrait
Make your Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 12:21 PM 4 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Welcome Home Elder Rich!
We are so excited to have our Uncle Nick Rich home from his mission. He returned recently from the San Diego California Mission. We are so proud of him and all his hard work he has put into these last 2 years. The boys have been counting down the days to see their "unckie" as Hunter now calls him. Welcome Home!
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 9:12 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Happy 4th Birthday Hunter!
I can not believe that my baby has turned 4 years old. Wow how time flies when your raising children. Hunter is such a wonderful son, and we are grateful he is in our family. He is very imaginative, has the best stories in the world to tell, (Most are made up, but they are awesome). He is very determined, athletic, loving, caring. He loves to eat his fruits and veggies, and will ask for a salad over anything sweet most days. He has such a creative mind, and he is such a great friend to his big brother. He is always willing to sacrafice anything he has. He is also very giving and smart, and forgiving. We love you Hunter, and are glad you are in our family...Happy Birthday
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 4:39 PM 6 comments
Labels: Hunter
Monday, June 1, 2009
Happiness from Helping Others
"President Gordon B. Hinckley believed in the healing power of service. After the death of his wife, he provided a great example to the Church in the way he immersed himself in work and in serving others. It is told that President Hinckley remarked to one woman who had recently lost her husband, 'Work will cure your grief. Serve others.'
"Those are profound words. As we lose ourselves in the service of others, we discover our own lives and our own happiness.
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 6:21 AM 3 comments
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday, Sunday!
Sunday mornings are such peaceful times for us at the Bangerter house. I dread at times the process of getting my 3 1/2 year old son ready for church. It kinda goes like this..
Mom: "Hunter it's Sunday today, Let's eat breakfast than get our church clothes on, Ok?"
Hunter: No, Mom I'm not going to church today, I will stay home".
Mom: You can't stay by yourself!
Hunter: It's Ok Mom, I'm not afraid.
The next hour of getting ready seems like pulling teeth with my wonderful son. I usually lay out a cute outfit for him on the bed, and let him know how handsome he is going to look. He than decides it is time to put on some silly outfit, like his frog costume or his Red satin soccer shorts. One Sunday we gave up and decided, it is more important for him to be with us at church, than for him to be dressed up. That Day he wore his shorts, graphic T-shirt and tennis shoes, and a smile on his face. Oh how I love the trials of parenting, I guess it could be worse right? What do I do to not be set up for these weekly sabbath battles.
As it says in the above comic strip; "Where were going can't be fun, cause you made me wear my Sunday clothes". I really hope he grows out of this sabbath day morning ritual.
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 2:23 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
It's the thought that counts!
So here is Mother's Day Revisited. Mason Made me an adorable Mother's day card, and is was so precious the picture he drew of the both of us.(Apparently we are both wearing blue jeans with out shirts, gotta love it!) The Boys and daddy were so sweet treating me like a princess for the day. Mason made me breakfast, he told me to choose something and I told him to surprise me, and that's just what he did. I got a big Bowl of "LIFE" cereal, it was the greatest. The boys both sang A Mother's day melody at church and it was so cute. Hunter came back after it was over and told me."Mom, I didn't even sing MOM"! Well I guess it's the thought that counts, gotta love my boys!
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 2:42 PM 5 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
One Tooth down...Many more to go!
Mason lost his first tooth this week, he was so excited, yet a little apprehensive to lose that first tooth. It's like another milestone in your child's life like, walking and saying their first words...it's their FIRST! He wanted me to take him to the dentist and have him pull it. I told him it will come out on it's own, and it did. He was eating a snowcone with friends down the street, and Yep...it came right out. All the neighborhood kids were so excited for him. He went to put the tooth under his pillow for the "Tooth Fairy", and he came down and said, "Mom I lost my tooth, I've looked everywhere in my room." He had lost his little tooth on it's way under the pillow. We tore the room apart, and then I said let's say a prayer, Right when we were going to kneel down, I saw out of the corner of my eye, a little tooth in beween the metal bed frame and the box spring, it had fallen. He gave me the biggest hug and said, "Thanks Mom." He is such a wonderful little boy.
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 9:21 AM 6 comments
Labels: First Tooth
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
You Gotta see this movie!
We watched "Marley and Me" today, it was such a cute movie! I got a little teary eyed watching it. It's a great movie to watch in this cold weather snuggled up on the couch, Loved it!
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 2:19 PM 7 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
" In & Out" & "Up & Down"
Ok, So let me explain.. It is my turn to teach our neighborhood preschool this week. The lesson is on, "In and Out" and "Up and Down". I was thinking about what to do with the kids, I asked for Brian's input on what to do for a lesson. Like all men..He got a big grin on his face and said.. Well, that should be one interesting lesson on Sex. Oh My Goodness, is that all you have on your mind? Oh well, thanks for your input Honey! We will have to see how this weeks preschool goes. Don't worry Preschool Mom's, still send your kids to school. I promise I won't teach them about the "Birds and the Bee's".
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 12:39 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
How can I Defend My Family?
This month I have really pondered upon this message,
and how I can be a better mother and Wife, and apply it to my life.
“Home is a haven against the storms and struggles of life. Spirituality is born and nurtured by daily prayer, scripture study, home gospel discussions and related activities, home evenings, family councils, working and playing together, serving each other, and sharing the gospel with those around us. Spirituality is also nurtured in our actions of patience, kindness, and forgiveness toward each other and in our applying gospel principles in the family circle”
“Establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.”
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 1:13 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Mason's School Picture
I just thought I would post this cute picture of Mason. He is such a good boy and doing so well in school, we are very proud of all he has accomplished.
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 2:42 PM 4 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Our Fire Safety Field Trip
We had the opportunity to go on a preschool field trip this week. It was my week to teach and I decided let's go on an adventure! My brother Justin is a firefighter in Salt Lake City, and he kindly allowed us to go on a tour of the firehouse and learn a little about fire safety. It started out as a little road trip with our little passengers..Jacob, Hunter and Aiden. We were continually reminded to stop talking..they were watching their movie!
We arrived with a pretty cool shout out to the "Eagles Gate Preschool" from the dispatcher over the loud speaker, it was pretty cool. We got to see where they eat, sleep, study, Exercise, and of course watch a little T.V.(we found out who get's to hold the remote, my brother of course.)
Here's the kids in front of "Woody the Fire Fighter".We learned about the gear they wear in order to put out a fire, the kids even got a chance to try on the gear too!
The kids got the opportunity to get inside the firetruck and sit in the chairs and put on the headphones. They even turned on the air horn and the sirens, it was pretty cool.
Hunter got to hold the big Axe.
Afterwards the kids were given their own firebadge, Hat, coloring book and pencil. We had a great time on our field trip..Thanks Uncle Justin.
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 2:26 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Thought of the Day!
“I have a testimony gained from pondering and studying the scriptures of a plan of happiness given to us by our Father in Heaven. That plan has a part for His daughters. We have the female half to take care of, and if we don’t do our part, no one else is going to do it for us. The half of our Father’s plan that creates life, that nurtures souls, that promotes growth, that influences everything else was given to us. We can’t delegate it. We can’t pass it off to anyone. It’s ours. We can refuse it, we can deny it, but it’s still our part, and we’re accountable for it. There will come a day when we will all remember what we knew before we were born. We will remember that we fought in a great conflict for this privilege. How do we meet this responsibility? We daily put our energies into the work that is uniquely ours to do.” Sister Julie B. Beck
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 1:39 PM 3 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandpa Randall
This was a picture of me and my Grandpa Randall many years ago, maybe 28 0r 29 years to be exact. My Grandpa was a pretty handsome man. Happy 87th birthday Grandpa have a great one, Love the Bangerter's
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 12:41 PM 2 comments
Just in case you were wondering...
Yes I found my missing phone, well actually Hunter found it in a pile of melting snow in our front yard. Appartently when I was shoveling snow about a month ago, it must of flew out of my pocket. Yeah, I am so glad to have it back..just thought I'd let ya know. (Oh and by the way it works perfectly fine too!)
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 12:23 PM 4 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Happy Anniversary
Well it's been 7 years for me and Brian, it seems like it was yesterday when we met and started dating. We met in 1996 in our BYU ward and I was attracted to his stunning wool plaid slacks, as he was passing the sacrament at church, that drew me to him(he was kinda cute too!) He found out I was checking him out and we started hanging out and had some good times together. We remained friends, and had our weekly tue/thur lunches together on campus. He drove there even though he didn't have classes just to be with me..how sweet. We were also dating other people amongst this, it was great times, just talking and eating. I went on a mission(He dated and waited as he told me..yeah right!) When I got back from my mission we reconnected, started back up where we left off, and knew were meant to be together. Brian thanks for 7 wonderful years, 2 beautiful boys, and here's to many more even better years ahead of us.
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 9:04 AM 5 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
2008 in Review
Well I figure I should update my blog, I haven't done it since like... Last year, OK. So I thought I would do a month by month year in review of what us Bangerter's have been up to. LETS BEGIN shall we!
We were still living in Midway, loving it up there with all the beautiful snow, YET, the drive down Provo canyon daily for myself and Brian was getting to be too much. It was time to move closer to our work. We also celebrated our 6Th Wedding Anniversary.
We decided to start looking for a place to live and we found a great place in Eagle Mountain. We looked at it on Thursday and were moved in on Saturday, wheew, it was a quick pack up job for us to say the least.
It was a very long winter/spring for us yet we got to know our neighbors and enjoyed having fun despite the chilly weather.
We had a great Easter at our new home in Eagle Mountain, Uncle Nick came home temporarily from his mission in San Diego, and we got to spend Easter with him. this was one of the first years we didn't venture down to warmer weather in St. George, that's OK we still had fun.
We had the opportunity to plant our own garden this year, it was so much fun to see the fruits and vegetables grow. The kids had fun taking care of it daily, and watering and picking the vegetables.
Jessica Turned 31...Yikes, We had a great summer riding bikes, swimming in the pool, eating Popsicles, and staying cool, it was a great summer.
My Youngest baby Hunter turned 3, we had a big birthday bash, all my family was there. We had a great time just relaxing, and eating too of course.
Mason started Kindergarten and Hunter started preschool. The boys are doing such a great job academically and socially in their classes.
Soccer season is back, we had such a fun time supporting Mason at his soccer games, he did such a good job, and he is becoming so much more talented, Hunter can't wait until he can play too.
Mason Turned 6 years old. We had a sports themed party and invited all his friends, we really had a great time.
Happy Thanksgiving, it seems like it was just here. We started out our day with the traditional Bangerter family bowling party, we all had a blast.
We then headed over to the Morrow's for dinner and then to the Bangerter's for dessert, it was a great Thanksgiving.
The holidays have come and gone. We had a very calm and enjoyable Christmas season this year. Everyone was so giving this Christmas season and we had a chance to reflect as a family the true meaning of Christmas.
Posted by Jessica / Brian Bangerter at 10:22 AM 2 comments