Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday, Sunday!

Sunday mornings are such peaceful times for us at the Bangerter house. I dread at times the process of getting my 3 1/2 year old son ready for church. It kinda goes like this..

Mom: "Hunter it's Sunday today, Let's eat breakfast than get our church clothes on, Ok?"
Hunter: No, Mom I'm not going to church today, I will stay home".
Mom: You can't stay by yourself!
Hunter: It's Ok Mom, I'm not afraid.

The next hour of getting ready seems like pulling teeth with my wonderful son. I usually lay out a cute outfit for him on the bed, and let him know how handsome he is going to look. He than decides it is time to put on some silly outfit, like his frog costume or his Red satin soccer shorts. One Sunday we gave up and decided, it is more important for him to be with us at church, than for him to be dressed up. That Day he wore his shorts, graphic T-shirt and tennis shoes, and a smile on his face. Oh how I love the trials of parenting, I guess it could be worse right? What do I do to not be set up for these weekly sabbath battles.

As it says in the above comic strip; "Where were going can't be fun, cause you made me wear my Sunday clothes". I really hope he grows out of this sabbath day morning ritual.


stina said...

That sounds too familiar! My 3 1/2 year old son is the SAME way! He's always so happy when we pick him up after his class, too! He tries to pout throughout, but ends up having fun and forgetting. Argh!

Angela said...

At least he gets dressed at all. Jen's little girl Bryn screams if she tries to put any clothes on her, church or not. She has attended church in her pajamas before!

ashley said...

Hunter is a great kid! I'm excited to see what he wears to church this week!