Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bedtime Woes!

Ok so my precious little Hunter is having the roughest time getting to bed. Tonight He came downstairs several times the first excuse was, "my nose is on fire", then a few minutes later "Mom my ears are on fire too". Then he comes back down again and says "I have Dirt in my eye", then back down again, "Mom, Now I have dirt in my Ear". I Kindly respond without laughing too hard, It's gonna be O.K. Hunter then responds, "Mom it's my right ear"! Heaven Help Me, what am I to do with my wandering sleepless child. He has also decided to Ban naps all together. Please other parent's any advice what to do with this?


Williamson Fam said...

Here's what you do, put one of those child lock door handles on the inside of his door and hope he's not smart enough to take it off, works like a charm.Jake has taken it off a few times but eems to forget he knows how..

Tracy said...

I have no suggestions on getting him to sleep better, cause Mackenzie does the same thing. And the napping sure sucks when they stop napping!!! Now, I only get a break if I leave Mackenzie in front of a movie while Rebekah naps. By the way...I miss the heck out of you!!!!